
our philosophy

We recognize the power of being an investor and the ways in which our influence and actions could be misinterpreted or misguided. Therefore, our investments reflect our values of community, equity, integrity, excellence and sustainability. At redefinED atlanta, we:

play the long game

keeping the goal of a quality school in every community as a guidepost.

follow the data

to generate robust investment criteria and focus on communities with the greatest need and demand.

tailor investments to community needs

and match school investments to specific communities and schools.

grow demand

by investing in community advocacy and making sure there is ample support for significant school improvement.

build coherence

by assembling a network of partners who can learn from one another and push each other to greater heights.

In addition, we are guided by the belief that we must protect and invest in the following conditions so we can achieve our goals:
A Favorable Community Environment
We believe informed and empowered communities will actively advocate for quality school options for children. We also believe communities most impacted by educational inequity should help guide our investments and actions.
Strong Policy and Leadership
We believe we must have strong policy and leadership at all levels that enables quality school growth and disrupts the status quo.
A Robust Talent Pipeline for Teachers and School Leaders
We believe we must increase the number of quality teachers and leaders entering Atlanta.
Multiple Pathways for Creating Quality Schools
We believe in quality autonomous and accountable public schools, including traditional, partner and charter.