Race, inequity, and exclusion are central to the current challenges with working towards equitable education. Public schools and the public education system, need a deep commitment to race, equity, and inclusion (REI). These are central to redefinED atlanta’s ability to have an impact and are core to all aspects of our work. REI serves as the guide for our actions and activity.
redefinED atlanta focuses its work on three key areas to build and sustain community power and influence among those most impacted by the inequities in education and propel our impact. Our areas of focus are engaging the community, advocating for equitable education, and funding critical work.
To realize our vision and focus, redefinED atlanta invests in
Join our growing collective of parents, educators, community leaders, and philanthropists invested in Atlanta public school education. Together, we will transform this city into a place where every student in every community has access to a great K-12 public education.
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